Size does not affect impact
Some people prefer size over quality. I was one of those people for a very long time. I always figured that having something big and...
If you never have expectations you will never be let down
Expectations are probably the most difficult things to manage in life. Everyone has expectations about various issues and scenarios at...
The quest for perfection
Members of the Japanese Samurai culture pursued perfection in everything they did. They sought harmony with the world around them and...
Use the right tool for the job
I like tools. Tools are wonderful things. There are two problems I have been dealing with for quite some time; tools cost money and my...
Start with a plan and be ready to change it often,
When working in any craft it is wise to start with some type of plan. You don’t have to draw out complex schematics, but it does help to...
When all else fails…..Make something!
Growing up I heard a great deal about meditation and spirituality. I regarded most of it as any kid would…..slightly intrigued, hopeful,...
The Difference Between Craft and Cult Worship
Art is made for any number of reasons. All artists are motivated and inspired in different ways, so it is ridiculous to try to say that...
Overcoming Expectations
When we find a goal worth our effort and focus we start down a path towards completion. This path is beset with obstacles and challenges,...
The Craft Shall Set You Free
This blog is called Zen and the art of leathercraft for a reason. Achieving Zen and mindfulness are good goals, but as goals go they are...
The origins of Zen
Zen is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese character “Chan” which, in turn, is a Chinese translation of the Sanskrit term “dhyana”...